Upon starting to take CBD, it is natural to wonder how long before you’re going to begin to enjoy the benefits. It’s not just a matter of how long it takes for the CBD to reach your bloodstream, however. Cannabidiol’s mechanism supporting your endocannabinoid system to reach a state of balance and restored homeostasis in the body can take time to realise its full potential. Many factors can affect both the short-term uptake of CBD and the amount of time before you serious results. Here is an overview of these, to help you get the most out of any new CBD regimen.

Delivery Methods Matter

How you take CBD can greatly affect the time it takes to reach the bloodstream, and just how much of the product is in fact absorbed by the body. Although vaping hemp flowers delivers the most CBD to your bloodstream faster than any other method of ingestion, this remains illegal in most places.

The next best option, both in terms of bioavailability and absorption times, is taking pure, high-quality CBD oil sub-lingually. Here the CBD is absorbed directly into the bloodstream through the mucus membrane in under a minute, and initial effects should be felt within 15 minutes.

Eating or drinking your CBD takes the longest for it to hit the bloodstream, as it must make its way through the digestive system and be metabolized by the liver. Even so, the first effects can be felt after around 30 minutes, and as part of a daily routine, many people find this the most enjoyable and convenient method of taking their CBD.

Quality, Potency, Dosage

The product you choose, how much of it you take, and the results you are seeking can all have a huge bearing on how long before you feel CBD take effect. In a largely unregulated market, a lot of producers are not so scrupulous about testing. Impurities and additives can interfere with absorption, and some producers may claim far higher potencies than their products contain in reality.

Hemp is so good at cleansing the soil by drawing out contaminants and metals that it is a popular phytoremediation crop. This does also mean that poor soil and farming practices can drastically impact product quality when it comes to the hemp crops that are harvested.

The dosage of CBD you are taking will likely depend at least in part on your reasons for taking it. Someone seeking help with sleeping might want a higher dose of at least 50mg taken not long before bed, for example. They would accordingly feel the effects more noticeably than someone taking 25mg each day to help with anxiety. Some people can feel the benefits in this context after their first dose, but since the endocannabinoid system can take time to rebalance, others may require considerably longer before the full benefits are felt.

Every Body Is Different

Your body mass and composition will both play a part in how long CBD takes to work. In terms of basic proportions, the larger the person, the more CBD it will take for them to feel an effect, and the longer it will be before they feel it. More than size, the composition of the body plays a role too- since CBD is fat-soluble, fat cells easily absorb it from the bloodstream. As a result, the more fat cells in the body, the slower it will be before the results are felt.

Metabolism also has its part to play- the faster a person’s metabolic base rate, the more quickly compounds are broken down by their body. As a result, someone with a quick metabolism is likely to feel the effects of CBD sooner, but will likely need larger doses more regularly than someone with a slower metabolism to achieve comparative results.

Consistency for Optimal ECS Balance

The endocannabinoid system maintains homeostasis in the body through the release of endocannabinoids in times of stress or trauma. It is responsible for balancing a wide array of bodily functions including sleep, emotion and mood regulation, digestion, pain control, inflammatory and immune responses, learning, memory, and temperature control. Dysregulation of this system can have serious consequences for our health, then.

The more severely imbalanced a person’s ECS system is, the more consistent, long-term support it is going to need to restore its proper function. That is why, to see the best of the benefits CBD can offer you, we highly recommend taking it on a daily basis for at least 30 days. Studies have shown that one month was enough time for CBD’s full impact to be felt by participants seeking improvements in sleep and anxiety.

However you choose to take your CBD- as an oil or a refreshing sparkling drink– to reap the full rewards for your health and well-being, consistency is very much key. Stick with it for at least a month, and experiment with dosage to find how CBD will work best for you.

Convenience, and ensuring you enjoy taking your choice of product, are key to maintaining regularity. CBD in its many forms provides you with a sweet and fruity portable daily dose of CBD, that fits in with your lifestyle wherever your day takes you.