How To Choose CBD Products?

CBD comes from the Cannabis sativa plant, which is also used to produce hemp and cannabis. It’s extracted from the resin of marijuana buds and flowers and usually diluted with another oil, like MCT. The major difference between CBD and marijuana is that it does not have THC, the psychedelic substance that probably enters your […]

Hemp Seed Oil vs. CBD Oil

Although both hemp oils are touted as having medicinal properties, CBD oil and hemp oil are different. Hemp oil, also known as cannabis sativa oil or hemp seed oil, is made by cold pressing the seeds. This gives us a rich cannabis extract, which is high in protein, omega-3 fatty acid, fiber, iron, zinc and […]

CBD Beauty Products: Everything you need to know

CBD is taking over beauty, appearing in everything from bath salts and candles to overnight masks and face oils. Unusual ingredients are a favorite of the beauty industry. Snail mucin, which is the actual snail mucus, caused quite a stir last year. It was found in beauty products such as sheet masks or serums. CBD […]