How to Choose the Right Vaporizer For Your Needs

With an increase in vaporizer popularity and availability, a new type of concentrate is called Vape Wax. It is made with the exact same wax formula as the original Vape Wax but has a way to add flavor by mixing it with a fruit juice. The concentrate added to your vaporizer will act as a […]

Different Types of Smoking Pipe

Lots of countries across the globe have tobacco as a legal drug and others have legalized marijuana. This way, there are great deals of various smoking pipes that have been made, and they keep progressing. They have different sizes of forms and also differ in the products used to make them. All of it relies […]

Are Glass Bongs Better Than Silicone Bongs?

Glass has a tendency to break and drop quickly. Because silicon is flexible, it can withstand breaking forces and overcome this problem when we travel, a camp, ride, or go to festivals. They can also withstand high temperatures without being destroyed, which is a significant advantage over plastics. They are easy to sit on and […]